About Us
The Clackamas River Water Providers is a coalition of the municipal water providers that get their drinking water from the Clackamas River who are working together on water resource issues. The purpose of the organization is to fund and coordinate efforts regarding source water protection and public outreach and education around watershed issues, drinking water, and water conservation, so that we can preserve the Clackamas River as a high-quality drinking water source and minimize future drinking water treatment costs while being good stewards of the river.
By working together we are able to jointly fund projects and studies that benefit all the providers but which would be too expensive to do individually. It allows us to foster closer relationships with each other as intra-basin water suppliers, and to speak in one voice when working with other stakeholders in the basin such as PGE. It also allows us to realize the economies of scale and save money by sharing in the costs of staff people to manage and coordinate programs that benefit all our agencies, rather than each agency having to have their own staff, or having one agency taking on the staffing burden for everyone else benefit.

The organization is made up of representatives from Clackamas River Water (District), City of Estacada, the City of Lake Oswego, City of Tigard, the North Clackamas County Water Commission (City of Gladstone and Oak Lodge Water Services), South Fork Water Board (Oregon City and West Linn), and Sunrise Water Authority (Happy Valley and Damascus). For more information about our Board or each member agency click here.
Together we are working to conserve and protect our natural resources to ensure clean, affordable, drinking water for years to come. For more information contact us.