Basin Partners
The Clackamas River watershed has a number of stakeholders in the Basin. The Clackamas River Water Providers are working hard to develop relationships with these partners to further our ability to protect and conserve our drinking water source. Learn more about the organization we are working with by checking the information and links below.

The US Forest Service (USFS)
The Mt. Hood National Forest makes up over 70% of the Clackamas River watershed. The Clackamas River Water Providers are working with USFS staff in the Clackamas River Ranger District through their participation on the Clackamas Stewardship Partner (CSP). The CSP is a diverse group of organizations working with the Forest Service to implement Stewardship Contracting in the Clackamas River watershed. Stewardship Contracting has enabled CSP to promote approximately $6,000,000 of job-creating restoration projects in the Clackamas River Basin during the five-year period 2006-2010. For more information about the CSP go to for more information about the Mt. Hood National Forest go to

Portland General Electric (PGE)
PGE has three large dams on the mainstem of the Clackamas River in addition to hydro facilities on the Oak Grove Fork of the Clackamas. The power generated from the Clackamas Project powers thousands of home in the Portland metro area. In addition to generating power, PGE manages five parks and campgrounds in the Clackamas, and is very involved with protecting and enhancing fish habitat, and protecting water quality. The CRWP represented the water providers during the PGE’s FERC relicensing process and continue to work closely with PGE regarding Blue Green Algae monitoring and testing. For more information about PGE Clackamas Project go to

Clackamas County Water Environment Services (WES)
Water Environment Services provides Wastewater Collection & Treatment and Biosolids Reuse for seven cities and several unincorporated areas in Clackamas County. Storm Water Management, On-Site Sewage Disposal, and Water Quality and Stream Enhancement projects are also coordinated by WES. The CRWP works closely with WES on projects related to stormwater management, septic systems, and hazardous spill notification and prevention. For more information about WES go to

Clackamas Soil & Water Conservation District (CCSWCD)
The CCSWCD priority issues are water, wildlife, and weeds, but the District also addresses a much wider range of natural resource concerns. The District provides technical and financial assistance to landowners and local community partners to help people use resources in ways that assure those resources will be available for future generations. The CRWP has been working closely with the CCSWCD on pesticide reduction, septic systems assistance, and public outreach and education programs. For more information about the CCSWCD go to

Clackamas River Basin Council (CRBC)
CRBC is working to foster partnerships for clean water, to improve fish and wildlife habitat, and the quality of life for all those who live, work, and recreate in the Clackamas watershed. The CRWP has been working closely with CRBC on pesticide reduction efforts. For more information about CRBC go to

Oregon Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ)
DEQ is responsible for protecting and enhancing Oregon’s water and air quality, for cleaning up spills and releases of hazardous materials, for managing the proper disposal of hazardous and solid wastes, and for enforcing Oregon’s environmental laws. The CRWP has been working closely with DEQ to identify ways the water providers can be engaged in source water protection efforts. For more information got to
Other Organizations We Work With on Source Water Protection and Pollution Prevention Efforts

The Pacific Northwest Pollution Prevention Resource Center (PPRC) is a nonprofit organization that is the Northwest’s leading source of high quality, unbiased pollution prevention (P2) information. PPRC works collaboratively with business, government, non-government organizations, and other sectors to promote environmental protection through pollution prevention. PPRC believes that environmental and economic vitality go hand in hand, and that both are necessary to protect the high quality of life enjoyed in our region. To learn more click here.

We Love Clean Rivers Inc.
We Love Clean Rivers Inc. is a 501©3 non‐profit organization with a mission is to facilitate community based river stewardship projects. We are dedicated to cleaning high use rivers by mobilizing the river recreation community in partnership with local environmental, recreation and educational organizations. By coordinating with kayakers, rafters, anglers, scuba divers and tubers to clean up waterways.
We Love Clean Rivers broadens engagement with river restoration activities, increases the recreation community’s understanding of threats to watershed health and provides unique opportunities (drizzled with fun) for the community to give back to the incredible resources we use year-round. We Love Clean River coordinates both the Down the River Clean up and the Clackamas River Ambassador Program. To learn more click here.

EcoBiz, short for Eco-Logical Business, is a certification recognizing businesses in Oregon that adopt best practices and protect the environment. The completely free and voluntary program is designed to prevent and minimize hazardous waste, air and water pollution. The CRWP is an active member of the Pollution Prevention Outreach (P2O) Team a group of pollution prevention experts from around the Portland Metro Region, and the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality, which administer the EcoBiz certification program.
EcoBiz currently recognizes Automotive businesses (including general repair, body and paint, radiator repair and car wash), Landscapers (design, installation, maintenance, irrigation, and specialty), and Public Agencies. EcoBiz Certified Landscapers Fact Sheet for Clackamas County To learn more about EcoBiz or to find a Ecobiz certified business go to www.ecobiz.org_

Clackamas Partnership
The Clackamas Partnership is a collaboration of Portland metropolitan area watershed councils, government agencies, tribes, and other organizations committed to improving watershed health. The Partnership recently developed a Strategic Restoration Action Plan to guide voluntary restoration actions designed to improve stream habitat, water quality, and native fish populations. The Strategic Plan covers the Clackamas River Basin, a stretch of the Willamette River, and other tributaries flowing into the east side of the Willamette River, including Abernethy, Kellogg, and Johnson Creeks. Historically, the Clackamas River and these tributaries supported thriving salmon, steelhead, and other native fish populations. To learn more click here.

Clean Rivers Coalition
The CRWP is part of a voluntary collaborative partnership of over 60 organizations. From federal, state, and local governments; watershed councils; Soil & Water Conservation Districts; and water-related nonprofits in our area—we work together to bring you Follow the Water.
Follow the Water is a campaign to engage folks in Oregon, Southwest Washington, and the communities along the Columbia River with water. The mission is to build a bridge between clean water and healthy communities with the goal of connecting our actions to our rivers to better understand the broader ecosystem of how water cycles through our watersheds, neighborhoods, and our lives. Go to Follow the Water Connect the Drops Campaign to learn more.