CRWP Members
The Clackamas River Water Providers is made up of eight municipal water providers on the Clackamas River which serve over 300,000 people drinking water in Clackamas and Washington Counties. Participation in the organization is voluntary and is funded through membership dues. While through the Clackamas River Water Providers projects and staff are jointly funded each individual organization retains its own individual autonomy. *Public Outreach & Conservation programs and services are provided to these members.
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Find out more about each of our members below.
The City of Estacada is located at the base of the Clackamas River watershed and the Mt. Hood National Forest and serves a population of 5,347 people from the Clackamas River. The Estacada treatment facility treats, pumps, and stores water for domestic, commercial, and firefighting purpose. The primary goal of the drinking water treatment plant is to meet or exceed water quality standards to remain in full compliance with state and federal regulations while providing adequate quantity and pressure to serve the community.
The design capacity of the treatment plant is 2 million gallons of drinking water per day (MGD). The average production during the winter season was 0.7 MGD in 2022-23, while peak demand during the summer of 2023 was 1.7 MGD. The storage capacity of the City’s reservoirs is 1.75 million gallons. Preventive and corrective maintenance is routinely performed at all of these facilities for safe and cost-effective operations. Funding is provided through water user fees. For more information visit the City of Estacada here.
The City of Tigard, located in Washington County, provides water to 60,000 residents in Durham, King City, two-thirds of Tigard, and the Tigard Water District. Through the Lake Oswego/Tigard Water Partnership the City of Tigard’s main source of drinking water comes from the Clackamas River, one of the highest quality sources in the state.
Water is withdrawn from the Clackamas River, pumped through a pipeline buried beneath the Willamette River, and treated at the Lake Oswego-Tigard Water Treatment Plant in West Linn. The water goes through a robust treatment process that includes filtration to remove dirt and organisms, ozone to remove substances that affect how the water tastes and smells, and disinfection to kill organisms and protect the water as it goes through the distribution system. For more information about Tigard’s drinking water visit City of Tigard. or LO-Tigard Water
The City of Lake Oswego, located in Clackamas County, serves over 39,000 people with approximately 11,532 service connections, in an 11.2 square mile area. The water source originates from the Clackamas River Basin. Once withdrawn from the Clackamas River, the water is pumped through a pipeline buried beneath the Willamette River to the City’s Water Treatment Plant located in West Linn. During the hot summer months, Lake Oswego has one groundwater well to augment water supply. For more information click to visit the City of Lake Oswego’s website.
Clackamas River Water (CRW) is a regional water service provider organized under Chapter 264 of the Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) as a special district.Special Districts are autonomous government entities that are accountable to the voters in the areas they serve. CRW provides clean, safe drinking water to a population of about 50,000 directly, and up to 80,000 people are served when the populations of wholesale customers are included. CRW has maintained more than 45 years of exceptional water treatment plant operation, providing water to nearly 12,000 service connections, and maintaining a distribution system consisting of approximately 262 miles of pipeline, 15 reservoirs, and 11 pump stations.
CRW was created in July 1995 by the consolidation of the Clackamas Water District and the Clairmont Water District. Clackamas Water District was originally formed in 1926. It absorbed the former Stanley Water District in 1979 and merged with Barwell Park Water District in 1991. Clairmont was originally formed in 1959 and was merged with the Redland and Holcomb-Outlook Water Districts in 1983. Vistis CRW’s website by clicking here.
The City of Gladstone maintains three reservoirs and approximately 40 miles of water pipe within its distribution system. The City serves a population of over 12,000 people, in 4 sq miles at the confluence of the Clackamas River and the Willamette River, and consumes an average of 1.2 million gallons a day. The City also has ownership in the North Clackamas County Water Commission treatment plant which treats water from the Clackamas River. For more information visit City of Gladstone.
*Oak Lodge Water Services

Oak Lodge Water Services was officially formed as of January 1st, 2017. Prior to January 2017, two districts serviced the Oak Grove area. Oak Lodge Water provided drinking water and Oak Lodge Sanitary provided sanitary sewer and surface water. In May 2016, voters in the district passed a measure to consolidate the two districts into a single district.
The district serves approximately 33,000 people in the Oak Grove/Jennings Lodge communities, within 9 square miles. The distribution system includes four reservoirs with a combined capacity of 15.6 million gallons. The district operates three pump stations and is divided into three pressure zones. Customers are served by approximately 90 miles of water mains and pipes, nearly 700 fire hydrants, and 8,700 service connections. Oak Lodge is one of the owners of the North Clackamas County Water Commission treatment plant which treats water from the Clackamas River. For more information regarding Oak Lodge Water Services visit here.
The Sunrise Water Authority was formed in 2000 as part of a merger between the former Mt. Scott and Damascus Water Districts. Sunrise Water Authority is governed by a seven-member elected Board and currently serves a population of approximately 53,000 through 17,500 service connections located throughout the City of Happy and surrounding areas of unincorporated Clackamas County. Sunrise’s system is composed of 260 miles of pipe and 13 reservoirs with a total combined capacity of 23.6 million gallons. Water supplied to their customers is derived principally from the Clackamas River via its ownership in the North Clackamas County Water Commission and through wholesale purchases from the Clackamas River Water District, with supplemental peak demand supplies from several area wells. For more information about Sunrise visit here.
South Fork Water Board is a water treatment plant that treats water from the Clackamas River and is jointly owned by the Cities of Oregon City and West Linn. In addition to selling water to Oregon City and West Linn, South Fork provides water to other unincorporated parts of Clackamas County, providing water to approximately 64,000 people in the area.
South Fork’s current system includes the water intake just off Clackamas River Drive a pipeline up the hill from the river to the site of the water treatment plant, a transmission pipeline from the treatment plant to Oregon City and West Linn distribution connections, and a pump station to boost treated water to higher elevations. The treatment plant capacity is approximately 23 MGD, and the peak day to date is approximately 20 MGD during the summer of 2023. For more information about South Fork Water Board visit here.