Septic System Assistance
In 2012 the CRWP completed a GIS Septic System Risk Analysis for the Clackamas River watershed. This anlysis was updated in 2021. Through this analysis over 9,000 potential residential onsite septic systems were identified in the Clackamas watershed. Of these around 1,800 were ranked as high risk which was determined by septic system age, high density cluster, distance to the Clackamas River and drinking water intakes, as well as vulnerable soils. To help address this issue the CRWP is working with the Clackamas County Soil & Water Conservation District, Clackamas County Water Environment Services, and DEQ to implement a Septic System Assistance Program which includes information and resources as well as financial assistance. Funding to devleop this program was intitially provided by the State of Oregon through a Drinking Water Source Protection grant.
Want to learn more about how to take care of your septic system. Check out our Resources for Septic System Owners page

Financial Assistance for Septic Systems Owners who live in the Clackamas River watershed
The Clackamas River Water Providers have two different financial assistance programs available for Septic System owners that live within the Clackamas River watershed. Both programs have limited funds are available on a first-come, first-serve basis until funds are depleted. Click here to download information.
Septic System Rebates
$200 Septic System Pumping Rebate
Septic pumping is one of the most important components of maintaining a healthy septic system. Scheduling septic pumping on a regular basis extends the life of your system and prevents major issues from occurring. For the average residential house pumping your septic tank should happen every three to five years.
$500 Existing System Evaluation/Inspection Rebate
Inspecting your septic system is a good way to make sure your system is working correctly and to identify any problems before they get too big. An inspection will provide you with legitimate information that can drastically reduce the risk of costly future septic expenses.
Although evaluations/inspections are voluntary in Oregon, typical gravity fed systems should be inspected about every three years. Alternative treatment technology systems (ATTs) and sand filter systems should be inspected every year. The inspection should also include pumping of the tank as part of the inspection.
To qualify for the Inspection rebate DEQ’s Existing System Evaluation Report for Onsite Wastewater Systems must be completed. The form can be found at https://www.oregon. gov/deq/FilterDocs/ESERform.pdf
Septic System Repair Cost Share
The CRWP will reimburse 50% of the cost of up to $1,000 of necessary septic system repairs. This is not intended for routine maintenance, nor for the wholesale replacement of a drain field, sand filter or alternative treatment technology system.
Repair Work that would qualify for cost-share/reimbursement
- Repairs to the existing septic tank and its components: tank, lid, baffles, effluent filters, etc. It imay also includ pump repair or replacement.
- Repairs to an effluent sewer line, pressure distribution line, hydrosplitter, distribution box, dropbox, and absorption facility
Repair work that is not covered by the program
- Digging to locate the septic tank or installation of risers
- Installation of septic system risers
- Work tasks associated with digging up or removing structures that were built on top of the system (driveways, decks, etc.)
- Landscaping after work is complete
- The cost of any required septic permit
- Septic systems serving non-residential uses
Eligibility Requirements for the Rebate or Cost Share program
- Your septic system must be located in the Clackamas River watershed and be upstream of Clackamas River Water Providers drinking water intakes. If you are not sure your home is located within the watershed please call 503-723-3510.
- Homeowners must use a contractor that is on the Department of Environmental Quality’s (DEQ’s) approved Oregon Septic Smart Inspector list for septic system repairs and/ or inspections. Go to the following list to find DEQ approved contractors: - For repairs, check with Clackamas County WES to see if you will need a permit to conduct the repair work.
- Pumping, inspection and/or repair work has to have been completed within the last 6 months to qualify.
- For Rebate Program reimbursement provide the CRWP with a receipt/invoice for the work completed. For the inspection rebate a copy of a fully-completed DEQ Existing System Evaluation Report must be submitted for reimbursement. Click here to download the report form
- For the Cost Share Program provide the CRWP with a receipt/invoice and documentation of the work completed for reimbursement.
To download an application form click here or here. Please submit the required documents to:
Kimberly Swan
Water Resource Manager
Clackamas River Water Providers
14275 S. Clackamas River Rd.
Oregon City, OR 97045
Questions? Call (503) 723-3510 or email [email protected]
Other Financial & Technical Assistance Opportunities for Clackamas County Residents
click here Septic System Resources (2023)
Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District – Residential Septic System Repair Loan Program
Starting in August of 2017 the Clackamas Soil and Water Conservation District (“CSWCD”) offers Residential Septic System Repair Loans to homeowners in Clackamas County for the repair or replacement of failed and failing septic systems. For more information about this new program or to see the eligibility requirements click here.
Oregon DEQ Onsite Septic Resources in Oregon & Clean Water Loans
The Oregon Department of Environmental Quality provides resources for homeowners who need financial assistance for septic system repairs or replacements. This is not a comprehensive list of resources and anyone seeking funds for their home is encouraged to check with their local governments or housing agencies for more funding opportunities.
Craft 3
September 2016 the Oregon Department of Environmental Quality has been partnering with regional nonprofit Craft3 to provide Clean Water Loans to help property owners replace or repair failing septic systems across Oregon. Only projects to repair or replace existing systems are eligible. For more information on the loan program visit and