Supporting Low Impact Recreation
The lower Clackamas River is a popular spot for cooling off or for spending a hot summer day floating down the river. On a busy summer day the five mile float from Barton to Carver Park on the Clackamas River can see as many as 5,000 visitors. Other areas of the river such as High Rocks and Promontory Park also receive high recreation use. Although the Lower Clackamas River is a wonderful resource for boaters, floaters and fishing folk that live in the Portland Metro area we also want to remind people that the River is a drinking water source for over 300,000 in Clackamas and Washington Counties.
Through a State Drinking Water Source Protection grant received by the Clackamas River Water Providers (CRWP) we have been working with our recreation partners on the development of the online/mobile and interactive Clackamas Water Trail website. The purpose of this new website is to highlight access points along the lower river, local amenities, and known river conditions and hazards. It will also differentiate private and public property, and sensitive fish and wildlife habitat areas that are not to be disturbed, as well as include information on how to be good river stewards and the importance of protecting our drinking water source. In addition to the website this project has also included putting up Clackamas Water Trail signage up in lower river parks and river access points.
See how you can enjoy the Clackamas River while being a good steward by going to
or read the 2023 press release June 2023 Press Release – Clackamas Water Trail