Water Conservation Programs
Municipal Water Management and Conservation Plans provide a process for municipal water supplies to develop plans to meet future water needs. All CRWP members are required to develop these Plans as part of their water right permit conditions. These Plans are used to demonstrate our communities´ needs for increased diversions of water under their water permits as our communities and water demands grow. The Plans explain how we will manage and conserve water supplies and are intended to represent a pro-active evaluation of conservation measures that we can undertake.
All water providers must implement the following conservation measures:
• Conduct annual water audit.
• Full metering of the system.
• A meter testing and maintenance program.
• A rate structure based, at least in part, on the quantity of water metered.
• A leak detection program.
• A public education program on efficient water use and low water use landscaping.
In addition, many water providers are required to implement technical and financial assistance programs such as rebate programs, where the cost of purchasing water-efficient fixtures or equipment are partially offset.
Water conservation is an important tool in meeting the water supply needs of our communities and can help us reduce the cost of developing new water supplies. It also allows
us to leave more water in the rivers for fish and recreation. The CRWP implements a Public Outreach and Education Program on behalf of its members to encourage efficient water use.

To learn more about how you can save water year round, to receive free conservation devices, or information about the Clackamas River Water Providers Conservation Rebate Program, contact the Public Outreach and Education Coordinator: