Watershed Tours
Each year at the beginning of October the Clackamas River Water Providers host a tour of the Clackamas Watershed for elected officials from CRWP member agencies, interested citizens, and the citizens in CPO’s and Neighborhood Associations in the CRWP service area. The purpose of these tours are to connect our citizens and policy makers with direct experience in watershed (our source of drinking water), and to introduce them to some of the CRWP partners and stakeholders.
The 2022 tour consisted of floating the Clackamas River from Carver Park to Clackamette Park. Tour participants saw bald eagles, blue herons, stormwater outfalls, two of Clackamas River Basin Council’s restoration projects, lower river tributaries flow into the Clackamas, and all four of our lower river drinking water intake structures.
These tours are a great way to see where our drinking water comes from and how we are working with our basin stakeholders. If you would like to receive an invitation for next year’s tour (we will be back in the lower part of the watershed next year) please contact Kim Swan at [email protected]
To find out more about how the CRWP is working to protect its source water and works with stakeholders please see the CRWP Annual Report FY 2022-23 and the CRWP Drinking Water Protection Plan which outlines long-term source water protection strategies. Contact us if you would like to be added to the Watershed Tour invitation list.
2022 Watershed Tour Photos